Analyze Damage in Your Notebook

Analyzes damage notebooks requires foresight and patience. Do not rush to decide before making a check the overall condition of your notebook. Here are some common problems that notebook:

Dead or Power Failure
For the case of death that you should check first is your notebook battery. The possibility of your notebook battery runs out completely. Try to recharge and wait for approximately 1 / 2 hours. Another cause is the notebook adapter is not functioning. You can check with the charger indicator light illuminates when the notebook notebook adapter in love. If the indicator light does not glow, there is the possibility of a faulty adapter or a faulty power connector board or board of damaged notebooks. Another possibility board notebook notebook dies, causing total death total at all.

Power lights the flame but the LCD screens does not display images.
Please check with installing an external monitor on the VGA port on your notebook. Then turn on your notebook, if the notebook is still dead, the possibility of damage is VGA, processor, mainboard, the BIOS IC, or RAM, a dirty or damaged. Try performing the checks one by one. And if the external monitor and perform live with a normal image, the possibility of damage on the LCD inverters, LCD flexible cable, or LCD monitor. If there is damage on the LCD screen, then you have to replace the LCD screen, because the LCD screen cannot be repaired.

Notebook Cooling Problems
Common problem often faced is the problem of hot notebook users; however, heat is the main enemy of the notebook, almost 75% of notebook damage caused by excessive heat. Especially in the casing of the notebook is almost no empty space is filled with all the components. The problem that often arises this section is a sewer blockage heat on the heatsink as it is covered by dust. This causes heat to be released back into the notebook. Consequently increases the temperature inside of the notebook should be allowed. This can cause over heating in the VGA chip, Processor, and other notebook mainboard components.

Ports and Connectors Power Problems
This problem is also common. This is caused by a breakdown of the existing solder on the connector or port. Solder cracking caused by heat and age of the notebook itself. The solution is to re-solder on the solder developing cracks.

Hopefully useful!

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